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August 17, 2020 3 min read

Share Your Story. Read about Kim's UTI Journey!

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At Utiva, we want to create a support system where women and men can come together to share their successes and challenges in their UTI journey. While it's not an easy one and this is usually a private issue, we want everyone to know they are not alone!  We appreciate our strong UTI fighters sharing their stories with us. 

If you have a story you’d like to share, please reach out to! We’d love to hear from you. 

Meet our lovely Kim! Some of you might know her as the Head of Customer Happiness at Utiva, but what you might not know is that she is a UTI-fighter and had been for 6 years. Knowing firsthand the pain and agony UTIs can cause, she is extremely passionate in helping other women and men find relief and it’s her mission to help as many people stay and become UTI-free. 

“I was married 6 months before my journey started in 2012 as a DVT blood clot led to my cancer diagnosis with subsequent chemo, radiation and brachytherapy treatments put me in into menopause at age 37. I also had surgery to remove 22 lymph nodes in my lower half of my body and because of the removal I have lymphedema.   

After my cancer treatment finished, I gained weight and then got diagnosed with type two diabetes.  Shortly after being diagnosed with diabetes I started getting UTIs every six weeks then every three weeks.  I would have to take 10 days worth of antibiotics to clear up my infection.

I did not leave my house much but if I did, I would have to plan routes around clean washrooms, but the downside to leaving the couch was a UTI. I started looking for natural ways to help with prevention — every possible solution at health food stores I tried, and nothing worked. My oncologist suggested drinking pure cranberry juice which burned my throat and gave me stomach aches. 

In 2018 after being told I am resistant to all antibiotics, I started googling UTIs and came across Utiva and after speaking with Derek I decided to give it a try! 

A month after trying Utiva I had my first appointment to see a urologist at Sunnybrook Hospital and he also recommended Utiva as I was also diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis.

Utiva has given me my life back and I am no longer bound to my couch.  No longer experience pressure, frequent urination, up all night from going to the washroom, no more UTIs and I can leave my house without a worry!  My first UTI-free trip was in 2018 when I went snowshoeing with my husband. It was a happy, emotional and memorable day.  In June 2019 I started to work for Utiva and I’m a firm believer in my mission as I do not want anyone to suffer like I did! 

We are all in this together and my hope is that we can all support each other in our quest to enjoy UTI-freedom! Welcome!”

We know the UTI journey is just as tough mentally and physically. That’s why we created a private, online community just for you. Join the Utiva Community today!

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